Sub-Surface Utility Management
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DeWalt Corporation has always made a concerted effort to invest in and implement technology…only when the benefit to our client base was apparent and when supported with sound methodology. Both our Civil Engineering and Land Surveying departments have embraced this prudent philosophy as it applies to new technology in their respective fields.
In the fall of 2015 DeWalt Corporation launched their Subsurface Utility Management (SUM) department. DeWalt Corporation envisions their Subsurface Utility Management department as a logical supplement to their Civil Engineering and Land Surveying departments. Subsurface Utility Management allows DeWalt Corporation to service their clients in a more comprehensive manner. Our SUM department is committed to collaboration with all parties affected by land disturbance…our clients, utility providers, local agencies and contractors. Our rigor in performing research from all utility owners and operators, both public and private, and our ability to thoroughly locate all assets based upon proven methodology, and report our findings through a detailed report and surveyed field markings provides clients the information they needed to make prudent decisions in their ventures with regard to both above and below ground obstacles.
DeWalt Corporation’s SUM solutions stand apart from traditional One-Call services as we offer a private locating, mapping, and management package that is designed to fit our client’s specific needs. Our projects include oil and gas site development, large pipeline routing clearance, preliminary design for solar, rail, and general construction. We go above and beyond typical locating to ensure projects flow smoothly and all personnel and assets are protected during the various stages of excavation and construction.
Our Subsurface-Utility Management department offers the following services to individual and private sectors:
- Cable, Pipe, and Line Tracing
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Private Utility Locating
- Oilfield Site Clearance
- USA Field Mark Verification
- Potholing
- Pre-Excavation and Pre-Potholing Clearance
- Provide Information on all Utilities (Service type, size, location, depth)
- Utility Research
- Mapping at all Quality Levels
- Fully Integrated with our Engineering, Surveying, and 3D Services Departments
- Preliminary Engineering
- USA Ticket Management
- Broken Cable Detection
- Pipeline Route/Right-of-Way Clearance
“Committed to exhaustive research, diligent search methodology, and the appropriate implementation of sensible technology.”
Todd Wood – Director